The program that will take you from feeling burnt out and living paycheck to paycheck in a 9-5 to feeling excited to check your bank account and ditching corporate forever.

If you desire 10k+ months, a fully remote career, the ability to work from anywhere, a schedule that you control, and to find your purpose -- DCA is everything you've been waiting for. 

digital creatives academy

your digital dream career is here

 Never have I ever…
— Felt trapped in my 9-5 daydreaming about more work-life balance.
— Made barely enough to survive while feeling overworked.
-- Signed up for thousands of dollars of debt for a degree I didn't use.
— Been unable to control my schedule or my time because of work.
— Had to leave a vacation early or not go at all because I couldn't get time off.
— Woke up every morning dreading my day because I hate my job but need to support my family and my future.
— Felt like the corporate world was preventing me from spending time with the ones I love the most. 

You wake up in the morning, when YOU want to.

Instead of getting the Sunday scaries, now you actually look forward to waking up on Monday because not only do you work with amazing clients doing what you love, YOU decide how much money you make while doing it. 

Instead of taking a nap in your car during your lunch break, you get to clock out early to go on a walk with your dog and brainstorm where your next vacation will be. No more asking for PTO or forfeiting family trips because you're worried about missing a paycheck. 

You no longer have someone else deciding when you get a promotion because now you have the tools to grow your business and income at any moment. 

take a trip with me and
picture this...

OH WAIT... I'VE EXPERIENCED every single one of those.



Until I decided enough was enough and decided to ditch it all for an online career where I have full control of my life. Now, you can too.

My students have gone from making $600/month to making 6 figures/year online, all without past experience or a college degree.

DCA isn’t over yet, but I've made 4200 so far and officially made my investment back this week!!! Wooo!! When I get fully booked out I should be making 4500 a month off of client work!!


YESSS! Quit my corporate job the month I started DCA. I have not only made my DcA investment back, BUT also have gotten back the investments made with the Digital Millennials Masterclass , the 60 min. strategy call, your PDF Guide, the small courses I bought in between AND saved money on top of that. My mindset now has been opened up to seeing the possibilities I didn't know were possible.

carolina perez

okay you guys! i just got my first client! i’m getting paid to work online and it’s week two! whaaaat?! it’s actually happening!


I was trying to DIY being a VA and not making any traction with clients. Between the modules, coaching, and guest speakers, it felt like a secret sauce that unlocked my potential for my business. My first reel after starting DCA got me client inquiries, and I had posted several before. in week 10, I was able to resign from my teaching job for the next school year!


I was able to quit my 9-5, replace my corporate income and make MORE, grow my confidence within my work, meet new people, make amazing connections and it really opened my eyes to the possibilities and growth that I can see in myself and my business. It was entirely worth the investment and the best thing I have ever done!

Carla Vicente

DCA has truly set me up for the rest of my life. I know that's such a huge statement but it's true. Being apart of DCA took a distant dream of mine to a reality and completely changed the course of my future for the better. Being confident when I say that I'm SUCCESSFUL and I LOVE my job is the biggest win of my life so far.

hannah gogan

I was very hesitant to invest in this program because I wasn't sure if I would follow through with it and if it would be worth it. But I have no regrets!! it was so worth it. it's honestly amazing and I think it’s the best route to take if you want to invest in yourself and start your business online. seriously, a life changing program.


I know how you're feeling...

because I've felt the same way

My situation is unique -- I didn't hate my 9-5 (it was more like a 7-7). But even though I liked my boss, coworkers and was good at what I did, it still left me exhausted and crying in my apartment when I got home.

No matter how hard I worked, I couldn't get ahead of the 20k debt or feeling that I was bound to live working 60+ hours/week for the rest of my life in order to survive. 

I was burnt out, struggling with my mental health and at a breaking point, ready for a drastic change. 

you're stuck in a never-ending loop

You wake up, dreading going into a job you don't like

You constantly search for "work from home jobs"

You watch others successfully start their business online, wishing it was you

You want more money and freedom, but you're scared to try something new

or should i say nightmare.

You get close to starting, but tell yourself "I'll do it when..."

...and repeat

You're sick of this loop. you want to feel

Other people in your life likely won't understand your desire for more. If you're anything like me, you've had a sneaky feeling that you aren't destined to be stuck in a cubicle, clocking in and out, for the rest of your life. 

The online space has changed the career landscape - you no longer need a degree or years of experience to build a million dollar business. My students have gone from broke to $10k/month within a matter of weeks. 


i'm ready for freedom




financial security



"By the time I finished DCA I had already had a 5k month. Now I work for an author as the VP of communications and I get to travel for work. I never would have thought I'd be in this position and I'm so grateful I found DCA and Jess"

- tessa


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"Before DCA I was jobless and lost. I was super skeptical and terrified to invest but I'm so happy I took the leap of faith. I got my first couple of clients a few weeks into DCA and by the end of it, I was booked out. As long as you do the work and have undeniable faith in yourself, this will work."

- abi 

Made his investment back before he finished DCA

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Abi Accomplished...

the first step is the hardest part



Sure, you could sit there creating a million reasons why you shouldn't start an online business. You don't have enough experience, it's not the right time, you're busy, the list goes on...

I could probably guess word-for-word how your mind is trying to keep you in your comfort zone, because I've been there. 

But eventually, you will hit a crossroads (or already have) and will realize that you only have two options:

Stay exactly where you are and guarantee that you'll stay unhappy or...
Give yourself the chance to reach your full potential and change your entire life throughout the process.

Once you take that first step and begin to see for yourself how doable it is to make 6+ figures online without experience, you'll never look back.

i've helped over 10,000  students successfully launch and scale their online business

sooo... how exactly do you go from 9-5 burnout to feeling excited about checking your bank account?

 Meet the new

digital creatives academy

A self-paced, comprehensive A-Z roadmap to learn exactly how to quit your 9-5 and start a successful online business without past experience or a degree. From mindset, business foundations, branding, content, sales, finding clients, onboarding clients, to so much more, you’ll have everything you need to confidently start your new career and book clients immediately.

From mindset, business foundations, branding, content, sales, finding clients, onboarding clients, to so much more, you’ll have everything you need to confidently start your new career and book clients immediately.


A self-paced, comprehensive A-Z roadmap to learn exactly how to quit your 9-5 and start a successful online business without past experience or a degree.

you'll gain immediate access to over 37 trainings 

How to cultivate the mindset of a successful business owner

How to book clients FAST using the DCA engagement + content method

What it looks like and best practices for working with clients

How to handle all of the tech, finance and legal aspects of your business with ease

How to choose which online path is right for you based on your current skillset

that give you a step-by-step roadmap AND TEACH YOU...

I want immediate access

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

01: welcome module

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

02: skillset, niche & business positioning

lorem ipsum dolor

Services + assessing skillset

Choosing your niche

Market research training

Business positioning

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

03: business foundations

lorem ipsum dolor

Pricing, packages & offers

Legalities training

Finances training

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

04: brand identity & socials setup

lorem ipsum dolor

Creating your brand identity

Business Instagram setup

Business website setup

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

05: creating converting content

lorem ipsum dolor

Content creation foundations

Content: Instagram feed

Caption framework

Content: Instagram stories

Content planning

Mini lesson: Hashtags

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

06: sales strategy & finding clients

lorem ipsum dolor

Where to find clients

Connection + content conversion

Engagement strategy

DM strategy + best practices

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

07: booking & onboarding clients

lorem ipsum dolor

Sales calls

Onboarding process

Resource: Onboarding clients checklist

Resource: Notion template for onboarding clients

Resource: Contracts

Working with clients

Client experience

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

08: bonus trainings & resources

lorem ipsum dolor

Showit training

Time management

Notion template

Brand design with guest expert Becca Luna

Offering brand design as a service with Becca Luna

what's inside?

Course Trainings

a look inside dca:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

01: welcome module

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

what's inside?

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

02: skillset, niche & business positioning

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Services + assessing skillset

Choosing your niche

Market research training

Business positioning

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

03: business foundations

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Pricing, packages + offers

Legalities training

Finances training

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

04: brand identity & socials setup

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Creating your brand identity

Business Instagram setup

Business website setup

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

05: creating converting content

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Content creation foundations

Content: Instagram Feed

Caption framework

Content: Instagram stories

Content planning

Mini lesson: Hashtags

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

06: sales strategy & finding clients

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Where to find clients

Connection + content conversion

Engagement strategy

DM Strategy + best practices

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

07: booking & onboarding clients

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Sales calls

Onboarding process

Resource: Onboarding clients checklist

Resource: Notion template for onboarding clients

Resource: Contracts

Working with clients

Client experience

what's inside?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

08: bonus trainings & resources

lorem ipsum dolor

Welcome from Jess and immediate access to the DCA Facebook community

Overcoming your mindset hurdles and discovering your why

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Our custom Notion template to help you stay organized while you launch your business!

Showit training

Time management

Notion template

Brand design with guest expert Becca Luna

Offering brand design as a service with Becca Luna

what's inside?

Course Trainings

a look inside dca:

your seasoned academy coach

jess hawks | coach

I stumbled across the role of a Virtual Assistant a few years ago and tbh, I thought it sounded WAY too good to be true. I was 20k in debt, a college dropout, working 60+ hours a week and LOST with what I wanted my life to look like. 

Once I decided to dive all in, I replaced my 9-5 income within 6 weeks and within 4 months, I was making 9-10k/MONTH! 

I started to see my dream life appearing before my very eyes. I LOVED waking up for work, I could spend my mornings to myself (cause your girl is NOT a morning person), book hair/nail appointments whenever I wanted, pay off 20k worth of debt, buy my car in cash, purchase my dream home, invest multiple figures, go visit my family out of state at the drop of a hat and ultimately, the feeling of "what am I doing with my life?" was gone.

meet your coach

I knew that there had to be SO many others out there in my same situation before starting my business. I wanted to show people who knew that were meant for more that they could have everything they dreamed of, even when society said it was "unrealistic".

Since then, I've taught over 6,000 students to build REAL online businesses.

My students have gone on to build multiple 6 + 7 figure businesses, be featured in Business Insider, travel the world, make a full time income while working part time hours, become experts in their industries, finally have the chance to be a stay at home parent, feel excitement instead of nerves when they check their bank account, buy land, build their dream house, have time to focus on their health and say "Look at me now." to anyone who ever doubted them.

And guess what? SO many of them did it with no college degree and zero experience working online.

but i didn't stop there, i wanted to create a revolution.


DCA is for you if…

dca is not for you if…

You’re ready to dive into the online business industry and want an exact roadmap for surpassing your corporate income.

You’re looking to invest in a quality educational experience that hands you every tool you’ll need to get started.

You’re a self starter with a bold drive to leave your career comfort zone and expand into a new job.

You’re looking for a self-paced, kick starter to fast track your direct route to success.

You’re looking for a low-investment education that allows you to dabble in committing to a new career idea.

You struggle with procrastination and don’t feel driven to leave your current job, even if it means more income & freedom. 

You’re already a pro at working online in a niche industry and have solid skills in business software, content and sales.

You know exactly how to create content that makes you a magnet to potential clients.

"Before I started DCA I was making $600 per month. I don't know how I was surviving. I knew if I could make $3k, I would be successful and I hit that before I even finished DCA. I hit 10K 6 months later. It has completely changed my life."

I want to join

- catherine

Student Case Study

Have You Ever...

The difference between you and them is that YOU realize there's another way. Things have changed and you no longer need a degree to:

- Travel the world and make money while doing it
- Wake up to payment notifications from your clients
- Be a stay at home parent because your business lets you make a full time income while working part time
- Decide your own schedule
- Take sick days or time off whenever you need it
- Have money to invest and prepare for early retirement

been told that you have to go the traditional route in order to be successful? that you're the weird one for feeling like you're meant for more?

start Today

dca changes lives every day...

there is no other course in the online space that goes as in depth as DCA


Starting an entirely new career is intimidating. And if you're feeling scared (but also excited), that's normal. My students have seen such fast, incredible success because of the fact that no stone has been left unturned. 

When you're a beginner, you need the small AND large details. You need an understanding of exactly how to create results and reach your goals, not just vague information that leaves you confused. 

This is the problem that DCA solves for you.


One and Only


Past experience working online

5 Things...

A college degree

Rich parents

Expertise with specific programs/skills

An expensive tech setup

I want to join


"without sounding dramatic, I think joining DCA was the best decision i've ever made in my entire life. if you're scared to invest, use that as motivation to make your investment back because I promise you, you will. if I didn't have DCA and Jess I wouldn't be where I am today."

“yesss! I quit my corporate job the month I started dca. I have not only made my dca investment back, but also have gotten back the investments made with the digital millennials masterclass, the 60 min. strategy call, your pdf guide, the small courses i bought in 
between and saved money on top of that."

"my biggest win is landing my first client 3 weeks into starting DCA. i'm on track to making my investment back before i've even finished the program. do not wait to invest because you'll regret waiting like i did."



Mary, @hausofvisionaries

"without sounding dramatic, I think joining DCA was the best decision i've ever made in my entire life. if you're scared to invest, use that as motivation to make your investment back because I promise you, you will. if I didn't have DCA and Jess I wouldn't be where I am today."


“yesss! I quit my corporate job the month I started dca. I have not only made my dca investment back, but also have gotten back the investments made with the digital millennials masterclass, the 60 min. strategy call, your pdf guide, the small courses i bought in 

emma, @emccreativesolutions

"my biggest win is landing my first client 3 weeks into starting DCA. i'm on track to making my investment back before i've even finished the program. do not wait to invest because you'll regret waiting like i did."

I need this now

you'll walk away with every single tool you need to start and scale your business

Use your current skillset to choose a niche for working online

Set up your business platforms and socials to attract potential clients

Create content that brings in clients that are EACH paying you 4+ figures/month


Exactly what I did to start making 9k/month within 4 months of starting

join the academy

I want THE

You know what they say... the best time was yesterday but the second best time is now ;)

This is your chance to snag a course that will take you from knowing nothing about the online space to being a full time online business owner, booked out with clients and in shock at how drastically your life has changed. 

DCA value - $4500
DCA pay in full today - $997

6 payments of $227 - $1362 total

start my business


What is the difference between this education and the LAB membership?

A: The LAB membership is designed to teach you how to develop the confidence needed to leave your 9-5 and understand the first steps needed to start your business. DCA is a comprehensive, A-Z roadmap for exactly how to quit your 9-5 and start a successful online business without past experience or a degree. From mindset, business foundations, branding, content, sales, finding clients, onboarding clients, to so much more, you’ll have everything you need to confidently start your new career and book clients immediately.

Can i do this course on my own time?

A: Absolutely! As this course is self paced, you not only gain immediate access to the entire curriculum, you also are able to access it at any time. Most of my students are starting their business while currently in a 9-5, so my programs are catered to your schedule.

Do i get 1:1 access to you?

A: As this is a self-paced course, there is no 1:1 access to me. But you do have the Facebook community to receive guidance from your fellow students and have me cheering you on. Additionally, you will have the option to upgrade for private access to me at an exclusive DCA student price.

Do i need to have a specific background in order to become a successful business owner?

A: Not at all! From Starbucks baristas to entry level corporate roles, my students have come from all sorts of backgrounds and have gone on to build six-figure and even multi-million dollar businesses online. The big benefit in your unique background is that it can truly help you in finding your niche and specialized skills in the online business space.

What’s the refund policy?

A: Like most online, immediately accessible education, this program is non-refundable. Not sure if it’s right for you? Shoot us a message at to chat! Rest assured, the frameworks taught within DCA have helped HUNDREDS of students start wildly lucrative online businesses. If you implement the education, it WILL work.

©2025 Jessica Hawks | all rights reserved | brand + website by high moon studio